Saamhorigheid (togetherness)

This is my research on how to accomplishing togetherness during a dance concert. I want to get away from the situation where people must be seated obeying house rules (no phones, be silent). I want them to be able to stand up, drink, dance, laugh, scream and most of all make them feel they are part of the performance. 


1. Give the crowd the feeling they can handle the task to be able to participate. Don't give them an impossible task. 

2. Let people accomplish a goal together. Do this in the form of a game to form a stronger bond, and to create trust. 

3. Reward people, give them the feeling they are doing a good job. You can also do this in general.

Read my research down below or download my presentation slides


During a theatre performance people can only be seated. I would like them to be a part of the performance, to create solidarity in a one-on-one situation. The artist and the crowd can level with eachother.

I'm searching for a situation where there is no distance between the crowd and the artist.